Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Valentine's Converstaion

Me: "Andie, tomorrow you will get to talk about hearts at school.  What does a heart look like?"

Andie: "Like this." (as she showed me with her hands)

Me: "That's right where is YOUR heart?"

Andie:  "In my backpack, Mama."

Me:  "Oh, well,  you know we also have hearts in our bodies that pump our blood and allow us to love each other...right here" (trying to show her where our hearts are in our chests)

Andie:  "No Mama, it's in my backpack.  I'll go get it."

Cutie patootie!  We have the most fun conversations.  Last week my little Drama Queen said this....

Andie: "Mama I don't want to eat my supper, I want to watch TV."

Me:  "I'm sorry but we cannot turn on the TV until you eat all of your sandwhich."

Andie:  with a big sigh and putting her head down on the table very dramatically she says, "This is terrible!"

Me: with a laugh, "What?"

Andie:  picking her head up and putting the back of her hand to her forehead, "This is just terrible Mama."

Oh yes, we are in for it!

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